LAKE CITY Parade on Sunday:
It is truly amazing and humbling to get this kind of outpouring of support! As you can see from the pictures the Freedom Loving, Altendorf for House volunteers showed up in full-force once again!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I have the #strongestsupportersever who personally know me, they know my values, they know we’re fighting for “YOU” - THE PEOPLE, we’re fighting for #medicalfreedoms, #parentalchoices, #transparency, #accountability, #LessGovernment, #MoreFreedom. They’re walking along side our campaign with their time, talents, donations and energy because they know Pam is not a typical politician, she does what she says and will fight for these values that we all hold in common!
During the parade your adrenaline kicks in and we’re all having so much fun meeting everyone! Afterwards though, when I’m looking at the pictures, I get a little emotional seeing and remembering all the special people and moments that happened along the way! We are a movement to help elect a #TrueConservative a #politcaloutsider to the MN House!
My heart is beyond GRATEFUL!!!